What should I expect from my Growing Younger Physiotherapy treatment?

Your initial physiotherapy consultation at Growing Younger Physiotherapy in Howick involves a thorough assessment of your problem. We then discuss the findings of the assessment with you and work out a treatment plan. We always encourage our patients to be actively involved in the rehabilitation and decision-making process, so the treatment plan will address the goals that you would like us to help you achieve. Ultimately you are in control of your treatment and nothing will be done without your consent.

The treatment may consist of a combination of some of the following: joint mobilisations or manipulation, soft tissue therapy (therapeutic massage), electrotherapy (such as ultrasound, interferential therapy, and TENS), posture and muscle balance correction, exercise/rehabilitation and injury prevention programmes. Prior to application of any of the above modalities the procedure involved and reasons for choosing that particular treatment method will be explained by your physiotherapist. At the end of your treatment session you will be asked whether there has been a change in your symptoms.

Do I need a referral from a doctor to be able to see a physiotherapist?

No, you don’t. Growing Younger Physiotherapists are primary health providers, which means that you can come and see us straight away without having to be referred. You can also fill in all your Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) paperwork here if you would like to apply for ACC cover. We can guide you through this process.

Are my treatment costs covered by ACC?

To find out what types of injuries are usually covered by ACC please click here to be redirected to their website. If your injury is covered by ACC there is still a surcharge to be paid. This varies depending on the type of consultation you are having.

Remember about our guarantee of outstanding level of service: we will give you a full refund and the following treatment completely FREE of charge if you are not fully satisfied with the physiotherapy services you received during any of your visits.

Who will I be seeing? Is the physiotherapist fully qualified?

The answer is absolutely YES. All of our physiotherapists have full New Zealand registration with the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand which means that they have a full physiotherapy qualification officially recognised in this country. If you would like to go further and check whether your physiotherapist is in fact registered in New Zealand, you can go to the Physiotherapy Board of NZ website and check that your physiotherapist’s name is on the register. We understand this will give you a peace of mind that you’re in good hands.

On top of that all our physiotherapists undergo regular professional development training to keep their knowledge up-to-date. They are also just nice and friendly professional people that you can relate to and communicate with easily and they are always happy to go the extra mile to make you feel comfortable.

What should I bring to my first appointment?

If you have any old medical records relating to your injury/problem, for example, hospital or specialist notes, X-rays, ultrasound scans, etc. please bring them along with you. This may help your physiotherapist to understand your problem more effectively.

Can I book my initial consultation for today?

We will always endeavor to see you as soon as possible. If you ring in the morning to book your first appointment we will usually be able to fit you in on the same day. However, if the booking is made later in the day there is a chance you may have to be seen the following day. We believe that the sooner you get your injury attended to, the better chance of a quick and successful recovery.

How long is my physiotherapy consultation?

Here at Growing Younger Physiotherapy we pride ourselves on allowing adequate time for a thorough assessment and treatment of all our patients. A standard initial consultation is approximately 40-45 minutes. A follow-up appointment is usually around 30 minutes, however this may vary depending on the type and severity of the condition or being injury treated. If the duration of your follow-up consultation is expected to significantly exceed 30 minutes your physiotherapist will advise you of this and a different charge may apply.

Why should I choose Growing Younger Physiotherapy as my treatment provider?

Growing Younger Physiotherapy, along with its principal physiotherapist, is committed to ongoing professional development and education in order to maintain superior competence in the field. This gives you full confidence that everything possible will be done to get you back on track faster. The healthcare field is constantly undergoing changes, with new research providing us with better understanding of how the human body works and interacts with the outside world. At Growing Younger Physiotherapy we endeavour to use these latest developments to fast-track your recovery and get you back to doing the things that you love to do. We also employ evidence-based practices at our physiotherapy clinic, which means that the treatment methods we use have been proven to be effective. It is important to use the rehabilitation strategies that are actually known to work. At our clinic you will always get the best of what is currently available.