Dear Growing Younger Patient,

Below is a re-print of the email I sent to you a few weeks ago in December. It came to my attention that you might have received that email in your spam inbox and so never had a chance to read it. If, however, you did manage to read it please ignore the rest.

As the information in the email is very important especially if you’re booked in to see me in 2023 I have copied and pasted it below:

“Yes, you have read it right.
After 12 years some major changes are taking place here.
Due to a number of factors I have had to make this tough decision…
From the 7th of January 2023 I will no longer operate out of the Howick Recreation Centre.
Now, that does not mean I am disappearing from the face of the planet. 
I have decided that it was time for me to focus and dedicate most of my time to the Growing Younger project we are running with my friend and business partner Gavyn Berntsen.

So if you’re an existing patient of Growing Younger Physiotherapy I will be more than happy to keep seeing you at our Growing Younger location in Highland Park (the address is below) whether it’s for an old or new injury. However, I won’t be taking on any new patients for some time as my availability and capacity will be limited.

You can use our 0800 number (0800 11 00 31) to contact us in the new year if you need an appointment. Because the receptionist won’t be at the old clinic on a full-time basis the old 09-5328942 number will not be attended to all the time.
Now, in case if you’re wondering why I made this decision there are a number of factors in play (without going into too much detail).

Number 1 is – what we are doing and the results we are achieving for our clients with the Growing Younger project are truly inspiring and I’d like to dedicate myself fully to scaling it up and helping more people. So this would have happened anyway but perhaps at a later stage if not the other 2 factors.

Number 2. It has become increasingly difficult to find suitable physiotherapists for our Growing Younger team. And after Komal left about a month ago I have not been able to find a satisfactory replacement for her. 

Number 3. The last 2 years have brought about a number of changes to our lives (both good and bad) for obvious reasons. So this decision has in-part been dictated by these chang

The old clinic at the Howick Recreation Centre will undergo some major changes. Our acupuncturist Reina will continue to see patients on Saturdays as per normal at the usual location – so no changes for acupuncture patients.

As to what’s coming to the old clinic at the Rec Centre – all will be revealed in the new year… So please watch this space.

If you’re a Growing Younger member and you’re reading this – there will be no changes for you.

Another thing to note. My physiotherapy fee structure will have to change at the new location as follows:

*10% discount will still be offered to people over 65 and under 18

I’m sorry to be dropping this on you just before Christmas but I’ve only managed to finalise the last couple of things this week. Things have been moving very fast and some quick decisions had to be made in December.

Kind regards,

Alex Blazhevskyiy

Growing Younger Physiotherapy

Growing Younger

P.S. the address for our Growing Younger facility is 18D Highland Park Drive, Highland Park (right at the back of Highland Park Library). Entrance through the car park at the back of the building. To see the location on Google Maps click here.”

One more thing to note. When you enter the Growing Younger fitness facility please look for a “Physio Waiting Area” sign on the wall. Take a seat and Alex will come out and invite you in. There is no designated reception area at the new facility.