Arthritis: 7 Scientifically-Proven Remedies To Try At Home

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In our previous article, we talked about what arthritis is, the symptoms and who is at risk. This week, we’re going to talk a bit about things you can do to alleviate the symptoms for arthritic joints. 

The first question and most important question – “Is there a cure for arthritis?”.

Unfortunately, the answer is no.



There are many things you can do to relieve the pain and improve your joint function, and that’s what this article is all about today.


All the following remedies have been tested in clinical trials and have been proven to be effective. Here is a list of scientifically proven remedies that can give you significant relief from arthritis:

1. Glucosamine 💊

Glucosamine is quite a common supplement taken by people with joint pain, but many are skeptical as to whether it has any real effects. A number of trials have proven beyond reasonable doubt that glucosamine taken over a long period of time helps to protect your joints – particularly knee joints – from increased wear and tear.

One study took a group of people who took glucosamine over a three year period, and another group of people who did not take glucosamine. The group that took glucosamine did not show any significant increase in wear and tear over time whilst the group that did not glucosamine showed increased signs of arthritic damage to the joints.

Glucosamine is generally ineffective taken over a period of time as short as 1-2 weeks. If you are unsure, it is best to speak to your GP or your local pharmacist about whether you should take glucosamine and how much you should be taking.

2. Aerobic Exercise 🏃

Keeping your joints active means keeping them healthy. This has been proven in a trial spanning 18 months comparing participants who did aerobic exercise regularly against participants who did not.  Aerobic exercises such as cycling, running and walking which get you puffing over an extended period of time can help to improve joint function, reduce pain in the knee joints, increase walking speed, and even improve ability to climb and descend stairs.

3. Resistance (Weight) Training 💪

Particularly for people with arthritis in knee joints, resistance training has been proven to be effective for improving function, reducing pain, increasing walking speed, and of course, improving ability to lift and carry weight.

4. Water exercises or Aqua jogging 💦

This may come as a surprising remedy, but aqua jogging is effective in providing short term pain relief and improved function in your joints.

5. Tai Chi 

Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese form of exercise. It has been proven to help reduce joint pain, reduce join stiffness (and therefore improve flexibility) and improve muscle strength.

6. Cycling 🚲

In a trial lasting 12 weeks (3 months), participants that cycled regularly were found to have a 50% reduction of pain in their joints, as well as improved function and muscle strength.

7. Weight loss 🍏

This will only apply to those with a high BMI, or excess weight. The greater the amount of excess weight, the higher risk of arthritis (particularly in knee and hip joints) later in life. Losing that weight will take significant strain off of the joints in your lower body, including hip, knee and ankle joints.


All the above remedies can be implemented into your lifestyle starting today! We’ve prepared for you a downloadable and printable PDF listing all 7 remedies. To get your copy, please click on the following link:

Remember – Exercise everyday to keep the arthritis at bay!


If you’re experiencing prolonging pain in your joints and the above remedies have been unhelpful, please contact your local physiotherapist for treatment or see us for a FREE 15-min examination. We have 2 clinics in Howick and Pakuranga. Call 09 532 8942 today to speak to one of our friendly staff to make a booking for a FREE exam or register by filling in a form on the right-hand side.