How to reverse muscle loss as you age muscle loss as you age [FREE Seminar in Howick, Auckland]

I’ll get straight to the point…

First the bad news…

People who are physically inactive can lose as much as 3 percent to 5 percent of their muscle mass per decade after age 30… and the decline increases by a further 1%-2% per year after age 50[video_player type=”youtube” width=”460″ height=”259″ align=”right” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9KNHdXd21zaC0wOA==[/video_player]

The good news is that the seminar “How to Feel 9 Years Younger, Get Full of Energy & Vitality by Following These 3 Simple Steps (P.S. no black magic or drugs involved)” is on and some of you are taking action by registering yourself and your friends to come along to this event. So well done!

You see this seminar was put together with the main aim to help you reverse many of the effects of aging including muscle loss with age.

If you simply implement the information we will share with you during the sebinar your health, well-being and confidence will gain immensely.

Here is another lot of “bad” news… well perhaps not really “bad” but something to be aware of. The available seats at the webinar are filling up fast. Just within one hour of sending out the first email we had 7 seats snapped out. Over the following 2 days another 6 decisive people took action. So as of this moment we only have 4 seat remaining.

That doesn’t really come as a surprise. The seminar is full of must-know information that will keep you healthier, functional, stronger and biologically younger for years to come.

Don’t miss out and book your FREE Seminar seat by clicking here. Alternatively you can simply call us on 09-5328942 to register.

So let me highlight again what we will cover in this seminar:

  • 5 types of food to minimise in your diet to avoid premature aging
  • Why your energy levels diminish as you age and how to reverse this trend
  • 7 simple workouts to boost your muscle strength
  • One popular “fat-loss” exercise that will never help you lose weight
  • Which currently mega-popular fat-loss diet carries significant risks for you health
  • How to stay healthy, functional and mentally sharp for years to come as you get older

The seminar is on this Sunday, April 15 at 12pm at the Howick Recreation Centre (the Group Fitness Room upstairs).

See you there!