There May Finally Be a Scientific Explanation How Acupuncture Works…
Ever wonder how acupuncture works? Or perhaps you doubted that it works altogether? That is completely understandable as acupuncture has only recently started to be recognised by the Western medical establishment as it became impossible to ignore it’s role in healing people with various disorders.According to its practitioners, this healing art uses the body meridians […]
There May Finally Be a Scientific Explanation How Acupuncture Works…
Ever wonder how acupuncture works? Or perhaps you doubted that it works altogether? That is completely understandable as acupuncture has only recently started to be recognised by the Western medical establishment as it became impossible to ignore it’s role in healing people with various disorders. According to its practitioners, this healing art uses the body […]
3 Easy Ways to Prevent Knee Injuries While Exercising at the Gym
Poor technique can lead to serious knee injuries when exercising in the gym. Knee pain can be caused by repetitive motion that causes stress to the knee or by a single acute injury. Here are a few ideas that will allow you to effectively work out and strengthen your muscles, without causing damage to your […]
Could Your Back or Neck Be at Grave Risk Because of Bad Posture?
Do You Suffer from a Postural Syndrome And could your back and neck be at risk?… What is Postural Syndrome? Postural Syndrome is the result of prolonged postures or positions that can adversely affect the joint surfaces, muscles or tendons within the body. This is what many people refer to as bad posture. Postural […]
How to Rehab a Weak Ankle After an Injury
If you ever injured your ankle and still feeling weakness and lack of confidence in it, then read on because I have some very important information to share with you… After an ankle injury, not only it can be physically hard to get back to normal function and exercise routine, but it can be hard to get […]
The Truth About Your Office Lower Back Pain and 3 Easy Ways to Put an End to It
Many office workers are plagued by lower back pain. It is so common that it’s hard to find a person who can honestly say that they never experienced back pain in their life. However only few realise how debilitating back pain can get if ignored. Lower back pain left untreated can often snowball into […]
Discover the Amazing Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is as old as civilization. Its health benefits have been known since the ancient times. From stress relief to stronger bones and weight loss, yoga has beneficial effects on your mind and body. When practiced regularly, it improves sleep, keeps your brain sharp, and eases pain. Centuries ago, people believed that yoga is the […]
Interview With An Expert: “Common Mistakes People Make While Exercising That Result In Injuries”
Before I wrote this article, I asked myself what the most common way I see my patients hurt themselves was. I also asked whether there was a way I could help to prevent these injuries from happening in the first place. Exercise-related injuries make up a huge proportion of the injuries we see at […]
How to Recover From a Pulled Hamstring
Pulled Hamstring or Hamstring strains are extremely common among athletes and to a lesser extent among gym goers. This type of injury affects the tendons or large muscles at the back of your thigh, causing pain, swelling, muscle spasms, and bruising. It usually occurs in runners, football players, soccer players, and skaters. Recovery time depends […]
6 Reasons Why You Get Headaches & How Get Rid Of Headaches
Headaches are a common experience that affect many people, both young and old. There are different types of headaches, but the most common ones include tension type headaches, migraines, and neck headaches. Many of you often wonder how to get rid of headaches effectively. In this article I will reveal some must-know secrets about headaches. […]